Does our brain take a vacation?

Does our brain take a vacation

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    It’s almost summer vacation and the time to get away from work is approaching, for many. However, is it possible to put your brain to rest? Does taking free time allow you not to solicit it? The answers of Francis Eustache, neuropsychologist and president of the Scientific Council of the B2V Observatory of Memories.

    Long holidays often rhyme with a need to disconnect and get back to basics, for many of us. But is this really possible?

    The brain, an organ in perpetual activity

    On a daily basis, whether to work, study or simply think, we constantly solicit our brain. When it is not active, this vital organ still consumes 20% of our body’s energy resources.

    Substantial expenses, which only increase by 5% when you have to perform a particular task, such as solving a problem or performing mental calculations.

    The “default mode” network, a true autopilot

    When you don’t use your brain, the default mode network activates. “These are cerebral areas which are then activated together and constitute the “network of the default mode (…) They are mainly located on the midline, on the internal face of the two cerebral hemispheres“explains Francis Eustache.

    Highlighted twenty years ago, by experiments carried out thanks to cerebral MRIs and examinations by positron emission tomography (PET), this mode is that of internal thoughts and introspection. It is also affected in many neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, certain mental illnesses or even depression.

    This default mode network is activated, for example, when walking in a peaceful environment, or when driving and realizing afterwards that you have arrived at your destination, without having seen the kilometers scroll by.“adds the neuropsychologist.

    At this time, the brain remains vigilant but is not in a state of alert. “If you see an animal appear in front of you on the road, the alert comes back immediately and you are able to brake“. However, this moment of “dreaming” is essential to memory and allows you to “travel”.

    With this default mode network, we can travel in space but also in time and towards others, it is a moment of creativity and it is very important for our mental balance“concludes the specialist.
