Does not support ban on Koran burnings

Does not support ban on Koran burnings
full screenEbba Busch. Photo: Magnus Wennman

The Christian Democrats will not support a ban on Koran burnings.

That’s what KD leader Ebba Busch says in her summer speech.

– Freedom of speech is not something we can ignore, she says.

In the speech, Ebba Busch emphasizes the need for the new investigation, which will review whether Sweden’s security should be taken into account during demonstrations and public gatherings.

The possibility of making restrictions on foreign citizens to prevent foreign powers from sending provocateurs to create division in Sweden is also considered important, according to Busch.

But completely banning Koran burnings is out of the question, she says.

– At the same time, I want to state clearly as party leader for the Christian Democrats that we as a party will not support anything that would come close to a de facto ban on Koran burning or other offensive statements.

– To restrict freedom of expression in such a way as was proposed in the debate, it is fundamentally wrong. But to do so as a result of external threats would be ten
times worse.

In the speech, she also addresses the Muslim community and highlights their responsibility.

fullscreenSalwan Momika burns the Koran outside Stockholm’s mosque at Medborgarplatsen on Södermalm in Stockholm. Photo: Peter Wixtröm

– We all have a responsibility, but not least Muslim communities, to explain that in a democracy you have to accept that others mock and criticize what you yourself perceive as sacred. That the power in the violation disappears if you look away – turn the other cheek, she says and continues:

– If, note if, they believe that such a democratic freedom of expression is incompatible with their interpretation of Islam – then that type of Islam has no place in Sweden.


Busch, who is himself a devout Christian, also likens the social debate about the Koran burnings to “a form of hypocrisy.

– Christianity has been free to mock and slander without these opinion makers picking up their pen. And it is not primarily individual extremists who have violated Christian symbols at small, self-arranged square meetings. It has been done in the public fine rooms. Even in public service. In practice financed with tax funds.

– Let no one claim that Sweden allows violations of Islam – but does not accept corresponding violations of Christianity.
