Does Hulk have a secret son?

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Attention spoilers: In the 2nd episode of the MCU lawyer comedy She-Hulk: The Lawyer, Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) says goodbye to the story after his cameo for the time being. He can no longer stand by his cousin Jennifer (Tatiana Maslany), who has to master life as a lawyer and Hulk in LA.

Because Banner has to clarify an urgent matter in space. Where is he traveling to and what awaits him there? While the series leaves us in the dark about that, there’s already a lot pointing to a shocking MCU twist: Hulk will be a father!

She-Hulk prepares for the arrival of Hulk’s son Skaar in the MCU

The first clue as to where Bruce Banner is headed is the spaceship itself, in which he takes a detour into space. This is very similar to that Commodore ship of the Grandmaster from Thor 3: Day of Decision, with which the Hulk, Thor and Valkyrie escaped from the planet Sakaar.


With this ship Bruce Banner makes off

Why is Bruce Banner returning to Sakaar? This is where the Marvel Comics provide a possible exciting direction. Also in the comic arc Planet Hulk, which was loosely adapted in Thor 3, Hulk ended up on the planet Sakaar, where he was used as a gladiator fighter.

As the story progresses, Hulk encounters a certain Caeira (first as an enemy, then as an ally) with whom he eventually gets together and fathers a son. And this also green sprout is called scar.

© Marvel Comics

Hulk’s son Skaar

What exactly the Hulk was up to in the years leading up to Thor’s arrival on Sakaar, the MCU has so far kept secret from us. It is therefore quite possible that he also had one or the other affair during his time as a gladiator for the Grandmaster. Only that a child was bornBruce Banner will probably only find out when he returns to Sakaar – after all, he cannot remember the experiences of the Hulk.

Time moves much faster on Sakaar than in the rest of the universe. So Bruce Banner might soon meet a young green manwho calls him papa. The fact that Banner unexpectedly becomes the father of a mini-Hulk would fit very well with the humorous tone of the She-Hulk series.

MCU future for Bruce Banner: Skaar and World War Hulk?

The theory that Hulk’s son could appear at the end of the new Marvel series doesn’t just have its roots in the comic book. Last year, the rumor spread in the Marvel Leaker scene that She-Hulk would bring young Skaar into the MCU.

She-Hulk The Lawyer – Trailer 2 (German) HD

In the world of Marvel Comics, the story of Planet Hulk culminates in the popular World War Hulk Arc from 2007. In it, the Hulk blames the Illuminati for the death of his wife Caeira and starts a furious vendetta on earth. Whether the MCU will also go in this direction is not yet known.

But many fans have long been hoping for an adaptation of World War Hulk, which is also the first solo film starring Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk could represent. In view of the current status quo of the MCU and the development of Bruce Banner, a film adaptation seems unlikely at first.

But perhaps a possible first meeting between Bruce Banner and his son Skaar will provide more clues as to what’s next for the green giant in the MCU. However, World War Hulk would be the best opportunity to give fans what they haven’t seen in a long time: an extremely angry Hulk who just wants to smash everything.

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What are your theories on what Bruce Banner has to do in space?
