Does Finland have any hope for points? This is where Helmareit’s chances for a big surprise in the European Championship opener against Spain lie

Does Finland have any hope for points This is where

Urheilu’s expert Maija Saari tells the tips for following the match.

Riku Porvari,

Jaakko Palvaila

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On Friday, Helmarit will face Spain, one of the early favorites of the tournament, in their opening match of the European Football Championship. You can watch the match live on TV2 and Areena from 18:50.

We asked Urheilu’s expert Maija from Saariwhere the match will be decided and whether the Helmarei have a chance to grab even points from the match.

How will the match end?

Expert Saari does not want to predict the outcome of the match, but the most likely pattern of the match is already clear in advance: Spain will force Finland to defend by keeping the ball in the attacking third.

However, the loss of ball control to the opponent does not necessarily mean that the Helmaris are rattled.

– If Finland can keep Spain out of their own defensive formation, Spain can keep the ball.

Spain is the absolute favorite for the match, but Saari hopes that the game will remain even for as long as possible. According to Saari, Finland’s opportunities are in counter-attacks when Spain has a lot of players at the attacking end.

– How those places are utilized means a lot.

Does Finland have any hope for points?

In Saari’s opinion, Finland can manage to steal points from the match with a top performance.

– Errors must be minimized on the defensive end and otherwise exceed expectations, then everything is possible.

Saari states that meeting the world’s best players in the EC final tournament requires Helmariten’s players to perform at their best. A normal level is not enough, but the conditions for stretching to peak performance are right.

– The additional charge brought by the final tournament and the players’ desire to show fuel the possibility of success. In addition, Finland has a certain kind of pressure-free state, when no miracles are expected from Helmarei in that section. Players can stretch to the kind of performances required in these games.

How will the match be decided?

In Saari’s papers, the match will be decided by whether Finland can minimize mistakes and keep its risk level low in front of its own goal.

– Spain puts pressure on the opponent with ball control and tries to force mistakes, for which they are punished, Saari describes Spain’s way of playing.

Follow them

Of the Spanish lineup, Saari is particularly highlighted Fence Bonmatín. The midfielder has to stand out even more clearly Alexia Putellas after being injured in the team’s training just one day before the start of the EC tournament.

– Beforehand, Bonmatí and Putellas were a pair whose task is to cause a lot of problems for the opponents. Putellas was Spain’s engine, but Bonmatí’s role is only emphasized in this situation.

– Bonmatí makes similar vertical runs to the opponent’s penalty area as Putellas. A small player who is extremely skilled with the ball. He can work in small spaces and moves on the field with a wide radius.

Among the Finnish players, Saari will highlight a midfielder for the Spain match Eveliina Summanen. According to Saari, the role of Summanen, who actively works in both directions, is highlighted in the defensive battle against Spain.

– Summanen’s toughness and possession of the ball are important in building Finland’s counter-attacking game. In addition, he plays a big role in special situations, which are Finland’s second place to hurt Spain.

– Summanen is important both as a free kicker and in goal lead situations. I wish him great success.

Every match of the European Football Championship can be seen on ‘s channels. You can find competition games, background stories, news and highlights on ‘s competition pages.
