Does eating fat (really) make you fat?

Does eating fat really make you fat

It is always believed that the accumulated pounds come from a diet high in fat. In reality, we cannot be categorical because everything depends on what we mean by fat. Some fats have health benefits. Explanations.

When it comes to nutrition, there are many misconceptions. Among them, all those concerning fat in the diet. In general, we are convinced that meals high in fat can only cause weight gain. Not true, but not entirely true either. “In fats, there are the good and the bad. The latter include foods such as fried foods, puff pastry, savory pies, fats present in industrial products, etc. Good fats come from oils, oilseeds such as almonds, walnuts, etc. They contain vitamins E or even omega 3 good for the memory, the brain or the cardiovascular system“, specifies Corinne Fernandez, dietitian nutritionist in Paris.

This distinction is crucial because bad fats are to be avoided or in any case to limit. Their excess can lead to an excess of cholesterol in particular, which opens the way to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. And of course to an accumulation of superfluous kilos. For the second category, i.e. good fats, quantity is everything. “We must not eliminate the good fats, even as part of a diet or a food rebalancing. We just have to respect a certain quota”, advise the dietitian.

Monitor quantity and vary sources

Concretely, how to proceed to consume the ideal quantity? For oils, a distinction is made between those to be used for seasoning and those for cooking. On salads you can use those of rapeseed or walnuts in the vinaigrette. Note that it is important to keep them in the refrigerator to preserve their nutritional qualities.

For cooking, opt for olive or peanut oil (which are more resistant to heat) and exclude sunflower oil. Quantity level, we limit ourselves to 2 tablespoons maximum per meal. And we alternate oil categories regularly. Finally, you can also draw good fats from oilseeds: a dozen hazelnuts or almonds a day will do the trick to have your quota of good fats.

Apart from these advices, it is necessary to pay attention to the “invisible” fats, those hidden in certain processed products found on the market and not easily detectable. Rules that are easy to put in place and that will allow you to benefit from the advantages of good fats without gaining weight.

Thanks to Corinne Fernandez, dietitian nutritionist in Paris.

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