Does a “self-tanning” drink (made from carrots and sweet potatoes) really work?

Does a self tanning drink made from carrots and sweet potatoes

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    in collaboration with

    Isabelle Gallay (dermatologist)

    Natural enthusiasts are currently sharing on the web the recipe for a homemade drink, capable of giving you a sunny complexion, like a “self-tanner” to drink. Should we believe it? Dr Isabelle Gallay, dermatologist, answers us.

    A beautiful natural and orange drink that would give you a peachy complexion and a color worthy of a self-tanner, this is the new recipe that is being envied on the web. According to its fans, this homemade juice made from carrots and sweet potatoes would boost your tan and look good (even when it’s gray). But should we believe it?

    Carrots and sweet potatoes as key ingredients

    In fact, nothing complicated, the juice (to be made with the extractor) intends to mix the ingredients which contain the most beta-carotene: the Yamwhich contains 10,500µg per 100 grams and the carrot with more than 8,700µg per 100 grams.

    These two foods promote tanning by boosting the synthesis of melanin and obtaining golden skin provided you drink them at least four times a week to obtain a nice even tan.

    Can we believe in the self-tanning effect?

    If the idea is nice (drinking a natural juice that is good for your health to have tanned skin), is it effective? We asked Dr Isabelle Gallay, dermatologist, for an expert opinion. And good news: yes, eating carrots and sweet potatoes regularly would have an effect on your skin.

    “Carrot juice and sweet potato are in fact rich in carotenoids which have an antioxidant action and which gradually color the epidermis. They give a pretty color and a healthy glow to those who consume them, that’s all fact.”

    But beware, “It’s not a self-tanner as such.” she specifies. Carotenoids provide pigment, which certainly colors, but does not necessarily make you tan.

    “And above all, it has no photoprotective effect, and does not prepare your skin for the sun.”

    There are even contraindications to respect: “You have to be careful with very fair skin which can quickly turn carrot tones!” she specifies. Finally, you shouldn’t overuse it either. Drinking tons of carotenoids every day can lead to an excess of vitamin A, which is toxic to the body. “It is therefore not to be drunk every day or even several times a day!” underlines our expert.

    The healthy glow drink recipe

    To prepare your homemade drink, several recipes can be found online. But the simplest and tastiest is to put a cooked sweet potato and 175 ml of organic carrot juice in a blender, garnished according to your taste with other fruits, such as the juice of an orange or mango wedges… serve smooth and chilled in a large glass. The drink thus created will keep in the fridge for a few days.
