Documentary series depicts the murder of John Lennon

Kiefer Sutherland is the narrator of the three-part series “John Lennon: Murder without a trial”, where eyewitness accounts and previously unknown crime scene images are interspersed with interviews with Chapman’s defense lawyers, psychiatrists, police investigators and prosecutors.

Mark Chapman shot John Lennon in the back with four shots as he entered the residence in the Dakota Building in New York late in the evening on December 8, 1980. He was arrested and immediately confessed to the murder and was later sentenced to life in prison.

Despite several applications for parole, he has yet to be pardoned. According to American law, the relatives of the murder victim can refuse a pardon, which Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono has done in all cases so far.

Mark Chapman, 68, was denied parole in August 2020 for the eleventh time. Archive image.
