Doctors warn of slush – several children acutely ill

“May have a negative effect on children’s behavior and concentration”. The small warning is found on slush drinks sold over the counter in Sweden.

But the information is missed by many parents – which can pose a danger to the children.

After several notable cases, where children have become acutely ill, doctors now warn in the UK and require that the health administration be changed to the fact that all children should avoid the drink.

May cause shock and unconsciousness

They conclude that after studies of 21 cases where children between two and seven years received urgent treatment after drinking the flavored, crushed ice.

The culprit is the sweetener glycerol, which is used to give the drink the sloppy texture – but which risks causing a poisoning in young children and, among other things, leads to shock, hypoglycemia and unconsciousness.

The mother: “Could not stop crying”

Mother Cary’s Agnew talks about the panic when two -year -old daughter Arla’s face was colored gray after drinking half a cup of slush at a friend’s home.

In the end, she takes Arla to hospital in Scottish Stranraer, where the doctors initially not what the error is due to, and Mamma Carys begins to fear for the daughter’s life.

Tests then show that Arla’s blood sugar is at an abnormally low level – a condition called hypoglycemia and that requires quick treatment so as not to get worse.

Arla repairs, but the event sits deep with mom Carys.

– I couldn’t stop crying. My brother and sister couldn’t even look at her because of all the machines that were connected to her, she tells the BBC.

Can be the top of the iceberg

Professor Ellen Crushell believes that the completed study can only be the top of the iceberg.

The British counterpart to the National Food Agency, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), has taken part in the study but is so far stuck to previous guidelines.

-We continue to strongly encourage parents to follow our advice, which is that slushie drinks should not be given to children under four years. Dealers are also encouraged to make parents fully aware of this guidance, says Rebecca Sudworth from FSA.
