Doctors no longer see normal-sized babies in Gaza – “This is a crisis of humanity” | Foreign countries

Doctors no longer see normal sized babies in Gaza This

Babies are born dead and die as newborns, says a representative of the UN Population Fund who visited Gaza.

The humanitarian disaster in Gaza is a particular nightmare for mothers and babies.

Doctors have reported small and sick newborns, stillborn babies, and caesarean sections performed without adequate anesthesia, said UNFPA’s representative in the Palestinian territories Dominic Allen on Friday.

According to Allen, there are approximately 180 births per day in Gaza. In particular, the number of stillborn children and newborn deaths has increased. He spoke at a remote press conference in Jerusalem.

“Doctors have said that they no longer see normal-sized children,” Allen said after visiting hospitals providing maternity services in northern Gaza.

Roughly estimated, the number of difficult births has doubled compared to the time before the Israeli attack. Mothers are stressed, scared, malnourished and exhausted, nursing staff often lack supplies, and both mothers and babies are malnourished and dehydrated.

– These mothers should wrap their arms around their children. These children should not be wrapped in body bags, Allen said.

UNFPA: Israel has blocked aid shipments

Israel has said that its goal is to destroy the extremist organization Hamas. Israel has said that the UN should send more aid to the war-torn region, denying reports by the UN and aid organizations that Israel’s actions are blocking the transport of food and other essential supplies.

Allen said that Israeli authorities have prevented the export of some UNFPA supplies and have taken things like solar panels and flashlights.

– This is a nightmare that is much more than a humanitarian crisis. This is a crisis of humanity, more than a catastrophe.

Allen said his heart broke as he drove through Gaza. All the people he encountered were emaciated, hungry and exhausted.

According to the Ministry of Health under Hamas, which controls Gaza, Israel’s strikes on Gaza have killed more than 31,000 people, most of them women and children.
