Doctors knew about assassination plot – gave permission anyway

Doctors knew about assassination plot gave permission anyway

Published: Just now

full screen Danderyd hospital, where the now convicted murderer was treated at the time of the murder. Archive image. Photo: Amir Nabizadeh/TT

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in Järfälla in 2017 was granted leave despite the fact that at least three doctors and a nurse knew about the murder plan, writes Göteborgs-Posten.

The man, who was cared for in a locked psychiatric ward at Danderyd hospital, had on several occasions told about his thoughts on killing his ex.

“Speaks clearly and very clearly about his thoughts and plans. Talking about his girlfriend and his frustration that he felt towards her, when she broke up with him,” says the man’s journal, which GP has seen.

Despite this, he was granted leave on his own shortly afterwards. On May 3, 2017, he killed his ex-girlfriend with a large number of stab wounds in her home in Järfälla municipality.

Mattias Månsson, chief medical officer and deputy head of operations at Psychiatry Nordväst at Danderyd Hospital, tells GP that the responsibility “falls heavily” on them.

– Of course, all staff involved in the care should have been aware that thoughts of murdering their ex were present in this patient. It’s very remarkable that it doesn’t seem to have been raised at all in connection with his release, he says.

The man was later sentenced to 18 years in prison for the murder.
