doctors in North Kivu denounce the violence to which they are subjected

doctors in North Kivu denounce the violence to which they

A hundred doctors demonstrated on Monday, October 24 in Beni, North Kivu, after the death of one of their colleagues, Doctor Sylvie Kavuke. The National Union of Doctors denounces violence targeted at the profession and has called for a strike in the hospitals of Beni until Wednesday, October 26.

The National Union of Doctors (Synamed) in Beni denounces a ” hunt for nursing staff “. In a press release addressed to President Félix Tshisekedi, he calls for a professional risk premium for all caregivers in the region, as well as a number linked to the police forces in the event of attacks on duty, but also the right to bear arms. during on-call hours, as explained by Godefroid Mbheo, union representative:

It’s not normal for a man to come into the structure, cut your throat like a goat and you stand with your hands crossed. So, if the government of the Republic can officially pass a law, it will already be something that will try to secure us all. »

Since 2010, several doctors have been kidnapped, hospitals looted and burned. But the situation has worsened further in recent months, according to Godefroid Mbheo. To express the urgency of the situation, doctors have been deserting hospitals since Monday: ” We are circulating to see if the watchword has been respected by colleagues. And we can see that he was well followed because everyone knows that it could be his turn to die. »

The territory of Beni is regularly affected by attacks attributed to the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) targeting civilians, like October 19 in Maboyawhere seven people were killed.

► To read also: DRC: after months of strike, doctors received as president
