Doctors did not believe! carried in seven months

Doctors did not believe carried in seven months

American Nicole Cliffe claimed that the menstrual cup she used during her period slipped from her vagina into her uterus and lived with it for seven months. The woman, who said that the pot came out when she had sexual intercourse with her boyfriend, stated that she was in the worst pain of her life during this time.


She said she “wanted to die” because of the menstrual cup because the cup made her feel seriously unwell. Nicole Cliffe claimed that when she went to the doctor to have the cup removed, the people there laughed at her and that it was impossible for the menstrual cup to enter the uterus from the cervix.

The cervix is ​​too narrow to penetrate. It expands during childbirth to let the baby out, expands slightly during menstruation, and moves during sex to allow the vagina to lengthen.

“They Laughed at Me”

In an Instagram post on August 5, the unfortunate woman said: “This Diva Cup has been around for at least seven months. in my womb (not in my vagina) remained. I struggled to remove it for hours before going to the ER. The doctors laughed, saying it wasn’t possible for her to get into my womb. I said I had three normal deliveries and I knew the difference. They laughed again.”


Doctors said they could only see “fibroids or cysts” on the ultrasound. Later, she stated that she had a recurrent urinary tract infection and was taking antibiotics that helped some of the symptoms, and she said: “I’ve had bleeding for about seven months because my uterus was trying to get rid of it.”

Months later, she said that her menstrual cup came out when she had sex with her boyfriend. She stated that she was in a lot of pain at that moment, but she thought that they would laugh at her in the emergency room, so she waited for her pain to go away with painkillers at home.
