Doctors couldn’t find a cure: Whenever he had sexual intercourse…

Doctors couldnt find a cure Whenever he had sexual intercourse

Anyone with chronic pain knows that there are certain conditions in the body that trigger these pains, and they try to act carefully to avoid pain. Moving too quickly, eating the wrong thing, or a sudden change in temperature are just some of them. But doctors struggled to find out how a Canadian woman was devastated by a ‘sharp’, sudden pain in her foot every time she had an orgasm.


During what must have been one of the most pleasurable sensations a human can feel, the 34-year-old actor had to suffer for 20 seconds continuously.

The sexual life of the woman and her husband, who wanted to remain anonymous and stated to be an actress, was getting worse day by day. For five months they had to endure the cause that stressed their marriage. It was found that there is a compressed nerve that runs from the pelvis down the leg every time a woman has an orgasm and is activated when it reaches climax.

The Vancouver woman was referred to a physical therapist who, with a variety of exercises, was able to cure her strange ailment within three months. The couple, who was psychologically damaged by their experiences, started a sex therapist to revive their marriage.
