Doctor Strange 2 inspired by Rick and Morty

Doctor Strange 2 inspired by Rick and Morty

According to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness screenwriter Michael Waldron, Doctor Strange 2 was inspired by the storytelling technique of Rick and Morty.

Doctor Strange 2, which will be released this Friday, has benefited from the narrative concept of Rick and Morty. Michael Waldron, the director of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, stated this interesting information in an interview with the US-based Slash Film blog. Waldron, who is also the screenwriter of Rick and Morty, learned how to explain extreme science fiction concepts to the audience with Rickl and Morty. and developed.

Doctor Strange 2 will use a similar narrative technique to Rick and Morty

Waldron explained how he developed his science fiction writing with Rick and Morty in the following terms:

“Rick and Morty was a great training ground for this kind of concept. Every week we were trying to pick a sci-fi concept that you could shoot a movie on and try to bring it to a level that everyone could understand in the first 5 minutes of the 22-minute episodes.”

Waldron continued his explanation as follows:
“Seriously, you had to quickly explain a crazy concept and make it fade into the background in a 22-minute episode. So Rick and Morty helped me learn how to explain complex sci-fi topics to an audience in a simple and fun way.”

Michael Waldron was brought to the helm of Doctor Strange 2 along with director Sam Raimi.
