Doctor Strange 2 flattens The Batman

Doctor Strange 2 flattens The Batman

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has produced another box-office hit, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, making its box office debut earlier this month. Now the sequel starring Benedict Cumberbatch has the next milestone reached and finally overshadows the DC competition.

With a box office result of 765 million US dollars, The Batman was the most successful film of the year to date. this value now surpasses Doctor Strange 2 by far, as the evaluation of the cinema numbers from the weekend shows. As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, the MCU film is now at $803 million.

Doctor Strange 2 sweeps The Batman away, but Spider-Man: No Way Home is out of reach

Doctor Strange 2 grossed $342 million in its home country, the United States. 461 million US dollars are added internationally. The only film based on the Marvel blockbuster now stands in the way is Spider-Man: No Way Home. But its box office (1.9 billion US dollars) should be unattainable.

You can watch the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer here:

Spider-Man: No Way Home – Trailer (German) HD

Much more exciting is the question of whether Doctor Strange 2 will be released in the next few weeks into the circle of Marvel billionaires is recorded. The film is still missing around 200 million US dollars. With Thor 4: Love and Thunder, which starts in cinemas on July 6, 2022, the next MCU adventure is already announced on the big screen.

Marvel Podcast: How good is the Moon Knight on Disney+?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe introduces a new (anti)hero. We discuss the first episodes of Moon Knight in the Moviepilot podcast.

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In the podcast we address the question: does Moon Knight really do everything differently than the other MCU series on Disney+? Or is the dark character study with Oscar Isaac only worthwhile for die-hard Marvel fans?

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Have you seen Doctor Strange 2 in cinemas?
