Do you use your Android smartphone as an alarm clock? Good news, the Google Clock app now lets you use self-recorded sounds to wake you up.

Do you use your Android smartphone as an alarm clock

Do you use your Android smartphone as an alarm clock? Good news, the Google Clock app now lets you use self-recorded sounds to wake you up.

Any smartphone can turn into an alarm clock thanks to the app Clock embedded by default. It may differ depending on the brand and model of smartphone you have. But that of Google, offered on its Pixel smartphones with many other brands, is pretty damn good. It thus proposes to define a ringtone to wake you up from sleep by going to draw from the vast panoply of sounds stored in your device. Classic. The recent update of the Google Clock app (in version 7.3), however, offers new possibilities to vary the pleasures. It allows, for example, to pick up music from your Spotify account, to retrieve sounds from the app Calm (to wake up really gently) or connect to YouTube Music to play a song of your choice. In the latter case, you will nevertheless need to have a paid premium account. Another possibility: record your own sounds from the smartphone and use them as a wake-up call. Why not record a message from your child or your spouse, your own voice, or any other sound that you think can get you out of bed. We were able to try this function on a Pixel 6 Pro running Android 13.

How to record a sound and use it as an alarm clock on Android?

Are you tired of all the ringtones offered by default on your Android smartphone for your alarm clock? Record your own sounds in just a few steps.

► Tap the widget Clock displayed on your smartphone screen. If you have not placed the widget on the home screen, find the Clock app among the apps installed on your mobile.

► Press, at the bottom left of the screen, on the Alarm icon. Google announces the new features for this app with the possibility of using Spotify, Calm or YouTube Music sounds to wake you up. Press on Default ringtone corresponding to the desired wake-up call.


► Under section Recorded sounds figure a button Save. Press it to immediately proceed to record the desired sound.


► The Recorder app then takes over. Press on the red button to start recording. Press on To end when you are done.


► The sound is recorded and applied as a wake-up ringtone. It is played in a loop. All you have to do is activate the alarm. You will notice in passing that the sound file is simply timestamped (with the day and time of recording). Unfortunately, it is not possible to rename it at the moment even if the file appears well in the Recorder app and remains editable

