Do you need to configure DNS settings to optimize your Internet connection? Look no further: here are the IP addresses of the DNS servers of the main access providers in France.

Do you need to configure DNS settings to optimize your

Do you need to configure DNS settings to optimize your Internet connection? Look no further: here are the IP addresses of the DNS servers of the main access providers in France.

All communications that pass through the Internet, whether web pages, emails, downloads or streaming, rely on IP addresses: numbers made up of strings of digits that uniquely identify each connected device. to the global network (computer, phone, tablet, box, server, connected object, etc.). Exactly like a phone number, but in another form (for example, All websites and online services therefore have their own IP address (for example, for YouTube or for the Google search engine). As there is no question of keeping all these obscure numbers to surf the Web – especially since they can change without warning -, we use the principle of URLs (Uniform Resource Locator, often called web addresses), which have the advantage of being clearer (for example, for CCM). And the correspondence between a URL and its IP address is established by the DNS (Domain Name System, or domain name system), just like a phone book associates a name with a phone number.

This correspondence service is provided by DNS servers, which are constantly updated, which operate transparently for the user. There are a very large number of them, spread all over the world, which are responsible for directing traffic in real time, by “translating” URLs into IP addresses. In practice, it is the DNS server of the Internet service provider (ISP) which is queried automatically for each request. But it is quite possible to change it, to speed up the connection or bypass blockages: the operation, which can be carried out on a computer, on a mobile or on an Internet box, is simple, fast and reversible ( see our practical sheet to find out more). And, in some cases, it may be useful to revert to the ISP’s DNS servers (one “primary”, the other “secondary”). You just need to know their IP addresses to indicate them in the parameters during configuration. If you need it, here is the list of the addresses of the DNS servers of the main operators. The addresses indicated are in IP v4.

Bouygues Telecom DNS servers

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Free DNS servers

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Orange and Sosh DNS servers

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

SFR and RED DNS servers

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Nerim DNS servers

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

OVH DNS servers

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:
