Do you need help with the declaration in 2024? This concerns

Do you need help with the declaration in 2024 This

There are declaration times all over the country, which for many means that it will soon be time to sign the income declaration.

Tax Agency started sending out the declaration on March 4 to those with a digital mailbox. In mid-March, work began on sending out the income tax return in paper format. And already in April, more precisely between April 9-12, the first payments will be made. Those who have approved the declaration without making changes or additions by April 3 are then the first to go.

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Those who need help with the declaration can apply for a representative at the Swedish Tax Agency. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TTIncome declaration 2024: It is required to act as an agent

For those who have challenges with handling the declaration on their own, an agent may be needed, which means that a private person will help you with the handling of the Tax Agency’s mailings.

– It can be a good man or administrator who becomes representative, but you can also become representative for an estate that must be declared. It can also be about securities sales that have been made for a child and which are then declared by an agent, says Nordnet Bank’s savings economist Frida Bratt in an interview with News24.

To become an agent for someone else, you must meet the requirements of the Swedish Tax Agency, and only then can you help someone with their income tax return.

– Even if you have a declaration representative, you yourself are responsible for the correctness of the information submitted to the Tax Agency.

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Frida Bratt is a savings economist at Nordnet Bank. Photo: Press photo Nordnet Bank

In the event that you have an approved representative, you also need to think about who is responsible for the accuracy of the information in the declaration.

– The person chosen as representative must meet certain requirements in order to be approved, for example the person must not have a business ban or have been declared bankrupt. The Tax Agency must consider the person to be competent, but also suitable. It needs to be a person who has the required knowledge. A declaration agent can be given several different authorizations, and it is of course wise to give the authorizations needed for the task – no more and no less, says Bratt and adds:

– It is very important to watch out so that you do not in any way become exposed to fraud attempts. The Swedish Tax Agency has a block that can be activated, which means that no one can be tricked into hiring him as an agent via a standard paper form.

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Declaration agent? The Swedish Tax Agency requires it

To become an agent for someone else, you must:

  • be a private person yourself – companies cannot act as agents
  • be of legal age
  • have a Swedish social security number
  • have an e-ID
  • Are you one of 700,000 who missed an important declaration detail?

    There are several requirements you must meet to become an agent for someone else. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

    Frida Bratt explains that as an agent you should be aware of the time frames in the declaration and how long the permission to act as an agent is valid.

    – It is good to keep an eye on the time limit. According to the Swedish Tax Agency, the authorization begins 14 days after you have been approved as a declaration representative if you apply for a representative via a paper form, or a later date if one is specified in the application.

    It is instead an advantage to apply to be a representative via the Swedish Tax Agency’s e-service, says Bratt. And if you are going to act as a representative for someone else, you should apply via the e-service, and if there is no date in your application to become a declaration representative, you are one for the time being.

    – But if there is a date, it is good to know that the Swedish Tax Agency does not send a notification when the authorization expires, but you and your client have to keep track of that yourself.

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