Do you lose the thread because of (too) many messages in WhatsApp groups? Instant messaging will launch a new interface that will allow us to follow conversations more easily, thanks to a wire display of the responses.

Do you lose the thread because of too many messages

Do you lose the thread because of (too) many messages in WhatsApp groups? Instant messaging will launch a new interface that will allow us to follow conversations more easily, thanks to a wire display of the responses.

WhatsApp is a very practical messaging to stay in touch with your family, loved ones and friends. However, the number of notifications issued by the daily app can quickly panic the meters and, when everyone speaks at the same time, it can sometimes be difficult to find your way. Who answered what? What message did he refer to? In short, we quickly lost the thread of the discussions. But what about it, Meta flies to our rescue! The specialized site Wabetainfo discovered, in the beta version for Android, a new organization of conversations very practical.

WhatsApp: sons dedicated to avoid dispersion

This new organization of conversations is a bit like that we find on Gmail, Slack, Discord or Telegram. It brings together all the answers under the message to which they refer, in order to avoid the famous dispersion effect. Thus, when someone responds to a specific message, WhatsApp will create a secondary discussion thread which will centralize all the following reactions under the message cited. Thus, instead of scrolling through a long list of individual responses, we can follow and consult all the answers in a dedicated discussion thread, which will allow the conversation to remain structured and easy to follow.

© Wabetainfo

Our colleagues shared a screenshot of the interface in question. Note that the original message does not seem to appear directly in this view, which is a shame. But the function can still evolve in this sense! Indeed, the new interface is still in the development phase and is not even accessible to testers. If everything goes well, it should nevertheless soon land with members of the Insiders program, before experiencing a wider deployment thereafter. So it’s the story of a few months!
