Do you have to bring your driver’s license with you? That’s what the law says

Do you have to bring your drivers license with you

Today, it is easy for the police to search their records and check whether a driver has a valid driver’s license or not, even directly during a traffic stop.

You may then think that it is not necessary to have your driver’s license with you when you are out driving on the roads.

Here’s what the law says on the matter.

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Do you have to bring your driver’s license with you?

The simple answer is yes, you must have your driver’s license with you.

More specifically, according to the Driving License Act, the driver of a vehicle requiring a driver’s license must carry the driver’s license in order to demonstrate that he is authorized to drive the vehicle in question.

Nevertheless, the driver of a vehicle that requires a driver’s license must be able to present a valid driver’s license.

The police also have no obligation to accompany you anywhere so that you can show that you have a valid driver’s license or driver’s license.

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May lead to fines

The driver who is out driving and does not have his driving license with him can be fined SEK 500.

The reason why you are fined for not having your driver’s license with you, even though you are actually authorized to drive the vehicle, is that it creates more work for the police.

It simply takes longer to verify your eligibility if you cannot show your driver’s license.

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There are loopholes

In some cases, however, you can avoid a fine for not having your driver’s license with you, if you can prove your identity in other ways.

This can be done, for example, by presenting another valid ID document, for example a passport.

The driver can also avoid fines if his identity can be determined immediately, for example by a passenger proving the driver’s identity.

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