Do you have this mobile phone? Then you may be forced to change your phone

Do you have this mobile phone Then you may be

Having to change your mobile phone can be a big project and something you don’t immediately look forward to. Having to download apps, transfer contacts and download mobile BankID and Swish can take a good while.

But mobile phones, as you know, usually have a limited lifespan and even if it’s boring, most things have an end.

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Previous Apple models that have been discontinued

The products that the mobile giant Apple considers to be “obsolete”, or outdated, simply stop being manufactured and sold. Since before, Apple has phased out ten old models, regardless of storage, which resulted in them simply not being manufactured or distributed anywhere in the world.

Previous iPhones that have been discontinued:

  • iPhone
  • iPhone 3G
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
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    The iPhone 6s Plus is one of the earlier models Apple stopped manufacturing. Photo: Ringo HW The ChiuiPhone models are being discontinued

    Now Apple has taken another decision to phase out more products. This then applies to mobile phones and accessories of a newer nature than previously mentioned.

    When the mobile giant chooses to stop distributing products due to age, it can result in you not being able to get help if the phone needs to be repaired. This is because neither the product nor any spare parts are manufactured if it is considered “obsolete”.

    If you have an outdated phone and it needs to be repaired, it may be time to change your phone.

    The products that are now considered obsolete are:

  • iPhone X
  • AirPods first generation
  • Homepod (speaker)

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    Apple stops manufacturing and distributing the iPhone X. Photo: Alan Diaz
