Do you have difficulty falling asleep or you have a restless sleep? Try to drink an infusion made with this plant: it is much more effective than the famous chamomile.

Do you have difficulty falling asleep or you have a

Do you have difficulty falling asleep or you have a restless sleep? Try to drink an infusion made with this plant: it is much more effective than the famous chamomile.

Sleep disorders, insomnia, night awakenings … One in two French people has problems sleeping. Most often, the fault comes back to stress, irregular working hours and, above all, to the omnipresence of screens. However, quality rest is essential for our well-being, and the consequences of this lack of sleep are not to be taken lightly: irritability, decrease in concentration, memory disorders, increased risks of cardiovascular disease.

Faced with these agitated nights, grandmother’s remedies resurface, with infusions and herbal teas. Indeed, these hot drinks are renowned for their soothing properties. The simple preparation of a herbal tea, the infusion ritual, already contributes to a condition conducive to falling asleep.

However, not all plants are created in terms of sleep assistance. Contrary to what many people believe, Roman chamomile, CHAMAEMELUM Nobile, has no recognized effect on sleep disorders. Its traditional use, listed by the plant -based medication committee (HMPC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), mainly aims to appease digestive ailments such as flatulence and bloating.

On the other hand, a less known plant from the general public is distinguished by its notable effects on the quality of sleep: the Valerian officinale, or Valeriana officinalis. Recognizable by its white or pink flowers, it has been used since antiquity for its sedative and anxiolytic properties. It acts on the central nervous system by increasing the levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter inhibitor which promotes relaxation and reduces neuronal excitability. This action explains its effectiveness in reducing sleeping time and improving the overall quality of sleep.

Unlike some synthetic sleeping pills, Valerian does not cause daytime sleeping or dependence, making it an interesting natural alternative for those who seek to improve their sleep without resorting to drugs. Note that it is mainly its roots which contain the active compounds responsible for its beneficial effects.

Valerian consumption is generally done in the form of an infusion. To prepare a herbal tea, just dive two to three grams of dried roots in a cup of boiling water, to infuse for ten minutes, then filter. It is recommended to consume this infusion half an hour before bedtime to fully feel the effects. Please note, you must always ask your doctor for advice, to avoid any medication or incompatibility interaction with certain pathologies.

In addition to Valerian, other plants also deserve our attention to promote restful sleep. This is for example the case of hawthorn, the pop -off of California (also called Eschscholzia), lemon balm and passiflore. It can be a good idea to associate them within an infusion.

But beware, this trick is only valid in the case of non -chronic and punctual disorders, such as falling asleep caused by recent stress. A herbal tea alone cannot help you overcome chronic insomnia. If you suffer, you must consult in order to search for the underlying causes and obtain suitable help.
