Do you have an email address from Yahoo and you only use it very little, if at all? You can delete your account in a few clicks, taking a few precautions.
You accumulate email addresses for all your activities, but in the end, you only really use two or three accounts and the one you have at Yahoo is not one of them. Rather than leave this email address fallow, delete it. Yahoo lets you do this in just a few minutes. Then, if you feel remorse, you will have 90 days to reconsider your decision. Your account will be saved with all the messages it contains. After this time, everything will be permanently deleted!
Please note, like Google with Gmail, your Yahoo account is not only used for Yahoo Mail messaging: it also gives you access to other services of the Yahoo group, which has belonged to Verizon Media since 2017, and in particular to your Flickr account, property from Yahoo. Access to this service will also be revoked. Also, before starting the closing procedure, take care to save what needs to be saved: important emails, contact files and photos saved on Flickr.
All manipulations take place from the web browser of your choice.
- Go to the portal yahoo and log in with your account. Click, at the top right of the page, on your avatar and choose Account info.
- On the page that appears, click the button Assistance in the left pane.

- Select option Create or delete an account in the left pane and then click Close or reactivate your Yahoo account.

- Carefully read the information about the consequence of closing your account. If you are still decided, click on the link Sign in to your Yahoo account termination page in the section Close your Yahoo account.

- Read the additional information on the consequences of account termination then click on the button Continue deleting my accountat the bottom of the window.

- Now indicate the email address of the account to be deleted then confirm with a click on the button Yes, cancel this account.

- Yahoo confirms that your request has been taken into account. You now have 90 days to change your mind and restore access to your Yahoo account.