Small details in the home can affect both the electricity bill and safety. As electricity prices rise, many of us try to find new ways to save energy, but a common habit that most people don’t think about can make the electricity bill unnecessarily expensive, and in the worst case, even be a safety hazard.
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Habit is a big energy thief
A common detail that many people forget is that a charger left in the outlet continues to draw power, even if no device is connected, it reports Today’s PS. This is called standby consumption and is an invisible energy thief that costs money in the long run. This can quickly lead to significantly higher electricity costs, especially in households where there may be several people who forget to pull the cord out of the socket.
The mobile charger can draw a lot of current if it is left in the socket without being used. Photo: Audun Braastad/TT
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May pose a security risk
In addition to costing money, this habit can also pose a security risk. In the worst case, it can even cause a fire. To avoid this risk, and at the same time save on electricity, there are certain things that can be good to think about:
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