Do You Always Pack Your Suitcase Ahead of Time? This Is What It Says About You

Do You Always Pack Your Suitcase Ahead of Time This

From its design to its content, the way it is developed says a lot about our personality…

Packing your suitcase is one of the essential steps before going on holiday. It seems like a perfectly innocuous gesture, however, from its design to its content, the way in which we prepare it says a lot about our personality…

While the most methodical among us prepare our luggage well in advance, others who are more spontaneous tend to do it at the last minute.As for me, I always pack my suitcase a month before I leave on my trip, Nathalie, an inveterate globetrotter, confides in us. Besides, I love designing my suitcase, I feel like I’m already on vacation and it gives me time to change the clothes I put in it depending on the weather, my desires or my moods.“. “I hate packing, so I procrastinate and usually do it at 9pm the night before I leave.“, bounces back Dorothée, his travel partner.

“Anything but insignificant, these behaviors are revealing of many things, according to clinical psychologist Maïté Tranzer.”The notion of temporality gives indications on our way of anticipating things and on our stress management. For example, the fact of preparing one’s luggage well in advance marks the point of security with regard to risk-taking and reveals a need for control, while the fact of packing one’s suitcase at the last moment suggests a greater capacity to let go.“, explains the expert. Doing it in advance is also a kind of comfort that testifies to an imminent departure: the wait until the departure on vacation can be easier to bear.

In any case, there is no good or bad time to prepare your suitcase, the main thing is to feel calm about it. If it makes us happy to see our suitcase posted in a corner of our apartment several weeks before departure, it is totally “ok”. On the other hand, from the moment it represents a mental load to manage in addition or a source of stress and anxiety, this is not normal and it is advisable to quickly find calm and let go.You have to try to trust yourself and take a step back from what you take with you and what you leave at home. You have to play it down if you forget things and tell yourself that at worst, you can buy them on the spot if you can’t do without them.”concludes our interlocutor.
