Witnesses were sought to be killed.
Designed perpetrators are now open open in Cold Facts and tells what would happen to those who testify to the oil billionaire Ian Lundin.
– If we kill them, there is no legal case, says Tot Nhial Kuol.
Right now, one of Sweden’s biggest trials is underway in Stockholm District Court, where two former heads of Lundin Oil are charged, against his denial, for assisting in gross international law.
In recent years, people who testify to the Lund intipers have reported how they have been persecuted and subjected to violent pressure to jump off.
Would map the prosecutor’s witnesses
Lundinbolaget had two consultants in place in Sudan and South Sudan. One of their tasks was to identify and map people who would testify on the prosecutor’s side – against the corporate peaks.
One of the local players hired was Tot Nhial Kuol. Cold facts meet him in South Sudan’s capital Juba. He no longer wants to be associated with Lundinbolaget and is in an interview.
– I would find out where the witnesses were, says Tot Nhial Kuol to Kalla Facts.
He tells what he perceived would happen with the witnesses, if they got hold of them.
– If we found them, they could be killed, he says.
Lundinbolagen does not want to be interviewed
In a leaked material that Kalla Fakta has taken note of from within the Lundinbolaget, there are no orders from the company, or its consultants, that threats or violence should be used against witnesses.
Representatives of Lundinbolaget declines that they would have something to do with testimony and write in a comment that all work was done in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards.
No one from Lundinbolaget wants to interview and answer questions.
The program Lundinfallet – Silent all witnesses are now to be seen on TV4 Play. It will also be broadcast on TV4 at 8 pm on Thursday evening.