Do not wipe with toilet paper! Be sure to wash: It’s only a matter of time before you catch one of these diseases

Dont be fooled by the pain in the breech area

Although there is no universal toilet use rule, there are variations due to the tradition of each country. Hygiene after the toilet is very important to prevent diseases. Washing hands after urinating or defecating is vital. With the introduction of toilet paper into our lives, millions often use toilet paper for toilet hygiene. Although toilet paper is necessary, it is not sufficient for hygiene on its own. After using the toilet, you should wash it with water and dry it with toilet paper. Here are the harms of using only toilet paper…


Repeated wiping with toilet paper removes most of the stool if done properly. But it also emits residues. This is especially dangerous for women, as bacteria can enter the urinary tract.


Just wiping with toilet paper doesn’t always work. Fecal residues accumulating in hard-to-reach places can come into contact with your underwear and cause urinary tract infection and irritation. Itching too!


Excessive use of toilet paper can irritate those with particularly sensitive skin. If not cleaned properly, it can cause health problems.



Some toilet paper contains toxic substances such as chlorine bleach and can cause health problems. wet wipes may contain irritants such as propylene glycol. You may want to use toilet paper and wet wipes for cleaning, but using water will ensure that these chemicals are not left on your skin longer than necessary.
