If internet connections have improved over the years, some have been victims of a very slow network. The fault, perhaps, to this very common object right next to the router.
While fiber optics is deployed in many homes in France, some families still suffer today from a deplorable Wi-Fi connection. According to a Survey carried out by ARCEP in 202230% of users are dissatisfied with their Internet connection. A scourge that can be explained by several factors, including a poor initial connection, the size of the network, the electromagnetic and electric disturbances of your environment, wear …
Another cause, often ignored by a large majority of the public, can also cause a significant slowdown in your Internet connection. It is an object, apparently harmless and very widely used in homes, but which can strongly disturb the work of the router and the quality of Wi-Fi.

If a large majority of French households have a Wi-Fi router, very few people know that it is strongly not recommended to place a mirror next to it. This object towards which we look at each other every morning (or even more for some) hides an unsuspected defect. Who could have believed that a mirror could deteriorate the quality of your Wi-Fi network?
However, as it does so well with light, the mirror returns Wi-Fi waves and thus disrupts the nearby environment. The mirror is responsible for a boomerang effect, which makes the waves come back to the sender (namely the router). It therefore prevents connected devices around the way to receive them properly. Due to its simple presence, it blurs the network and prevents a good connection to the Internet.
If your devices continue to present a faulty Wi-Fi, we therefore advise you to check first if a mirror is nearby. Also be sure to hide your box as little as possible and have any object that could hinder the waves it emits. Because it is too often locked in a piece of furniture or hidden between two objects due to its “ugliness” or because it swears with the rest of your furniture, the efficiency of a router is too often limited And his waves blocked in the house. So place your router in the open air, or even evident in the room before moaning against your access provider.