Just put it in a bag of rice.
If you have ever spilled water or any other liquid on a mobile phone, it is likely that you have heard those words, and perhaps even tried the method.
However, the well-known measure of putting a water-damaged phone in a bag of uncooked rice, in order to let the rice absorb the liquid, has come under fire from one of the world’s largest phone manufacturers – Apple.
The tech giant has published a guide on its website on how to act if an iPhone is water damaged, and under the heading “Here are some things not to do”, Apple writes that small rice particles risk destroying the phone if it is placed in rice.
According to Apple, you should instead shake the phone gently with the socket facing downwards and let the phone dry on its own.
In the same vein, the company advises against trying to fix water damage by pushing cotton or paper towels into the outlet.