Do not eat tangerines like this! Risk of appendicitis

Do not eat tangerines like this Risk of appendicitis

There is a great danger in the core of the tangerine, which is one of the citrus fruits with countless benefits. While the acidic content of tangerine can disturb those with sensitive stomachs, consuming its seeds can cause appendicitis problems.

Nutrition and diet expert Aybala Akkulah explained the important benefits of tangerine on our health and drew attention to important points about what we should pay attention to when consuming.


When consuming tangerines, which are also seedless varieties, the seeds must be removed. Akkulah’s statement on the subject is as follows; ‘Consumption of tangerine seeds can lead to appendicitis problems. For this reason, it is necessary not to overdo it in consumption.’

4 tangerines

Thanks to its rich vitamin C content and flavonoids, tangerines that contribute to the strengthening of the immune system also contain minerals that are important for human health such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium.

Mandarin, which is also very rich in B vitamins, also supports the formation of new cells by taking part in the formation of DNA and RNA in the body.

2 tangerines


Thanks to the folate in its content, it prevents DNA changes that can lead to cancer, and acts as a protective shield against some cancers such as lung, breast, colon, esophagus and stomach cancer.

Mandarin, which strengthens immunity, supports joint and eye health, provides many benefits from heart to cancer, eye to skin health. In other words, the benefits do not end with counting.

1 tangerine


Vitamin A, which is abundant in tangerines, protects eye health. Adequate intake of vitamin A prevents and delays macular degeneration and cataract formation, especially night blindness.
