Do not dare to wear the Star of David after the attacks in Israel

Do not dare to wear the Star of David after

Published 2023-10-09 21.29

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full screen Ester, 15 Photo: Private

Bloody battles are going on in Israel and Palestine.

Although Ester, 15, has nothing to do with the conflict, she now takes off her Jewish jewelry and prepares for a storm of hate.

– I know that I will have to answer questions about the conflict, just because I am Jewish.

Since Saturday, fighting has been going on along the Gaza Strip between the Israeli military and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

A state of war has been declared and more than 1,100 people have died in what has been described as the bloodiest attacks in the country in 50 years.

fullscreen Rockets fired from Gaza at Israel. The picture is from last Sunday. Photo: Fatima Shbair/AP

At the same time, many Swedes are now worried about what will happen to their relatives on the spot. But also themselves here in Sweden.

One of them is the Jewish woman Ester, a 15-year-old girl from southern Sweden, who for fear of reprisals wants to remain anonymous.

– I feel very bad about what is happening. Last night I was on BBC all night and couldn’t sleep because I felt so bad about what is happening to my family there and I know what awaits me at school.

“Caring for both sides”

Going to school and meeting classmates right now raises a lot of fears.

– I know that I will have to answer questions about the conflict, just because I am Jewish. And I won’t have to. At the same time, I know that if I don’t answer but am few words, it can be interpreted as taking Israel’s side.

She repeats time and time again that she does not take a position in the conflict.

– For me, it is important to show that I am neutral in this conflict and that I care for both sides.

But it is not only at school that Ester is confronted with her origins.

– It is very present all the time. People write me things on Tiktok about the conflict and I feel that there is a lot of hate on social media, hate that I also have to deal with at school.

She states that much of what is spread in social media is not true.

– Many do not understand that it is so.

Puts it in the neck

She still feels that there are those who listen, but says that many have preconceived notions.

– Sometimes it feels like my friends don’t believe me when I say that I don’t take a stand, just because I’m Jewish.

The current situation has meant that she stopped wearing her Star of David around her neck.

– It was my mother who said that it would probably be good if I took it off for a while, until everything calmed down. That people can otherwise believe certain things. That it can, for example, be a symbol of supporting Israel.

But even before Saturday’s attacks, Ester has in some contexts felt compelled to hide the star.

– For example, if I go into a shopping center or other places with a lot of people, I spin it around and put it around my neck. I have a friend my age who was once beaten up because he openly showed that he was Jewish.

Ester has no connection to the conflict, but she has relatives living in Israel.

– I spoke to my relative yesterday on the phone and then the air traffic alert went off, whereupon she clicked me. It made me feel really bad because it took so long before she called back. That wait was hard.

Much of what she hears is both connected to the current conflict, but also the Second World War. She feels that there is a constant threat to Jews.

– I feel that there are many more people who hate us than there are Jews. But I believe that one must be able to distinguish between Israelis, and Jews and the government of Israel in this conflict.

– At the same time, it feels like there are anti-Semites everywhere and that no one can protect us. But I think that’s how many other minorities feel too.

full screen Star of David on a necklace. Archive image. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

“Is completely absurd”

How do you feel about Judaism?

– I don’t believe in religion myself, but more in the community itself. My whole family died because they were Jewish, so for me there is a cultural desire to be Jewish and carry on that tradition.

– At the same time, I feel afraid that people will know that I am Jewish, even though I am open about it because I feel that I can stand for it. But I have several friends who do not dare to say that they are Jews openly.

What do you think about the anti-Semitism that exists in society today?

– I think it has been strengthened in connection with the Israel-Palestine conflict. At the same time, the conflict is present all the time. For example, in a religion test, we were asked why Israeli and Palestinian youth hate each other. It’s completely absurd. It indirectly tells my classmates that I hate Palestinians.

When do you think you can wear your star again?

– Even if this is a conflict that lasts a week, it will live for several months on Tiktok. Actually, I don’t want to go to school, but if I don’t do it now, I’ll just postpone the confrontation. I have to do it and then it’s just as well to do it right away.

Ester is a fake name.
