Do nails always grow at the same speed?

Do nails always grow at the same speed

The nails are growing. Tirelessly. Day by day. But sometimes they can seem to take a little break. Or at least a slowdown. And even specialists are not quite sure what the cause is.

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During evolution, the claws of primates gradually became nails. In humans, their role is multiple. First, protect the tips of our fingers and their sensitivity, which is important for touching it. Because even if they are thin – their normal thickness does not exceed a millimeter – fingernails know how to be resistant. Then the nails also serve as a tool. They are used to scratch oneself, to peel an orange, to play music or sometimes just to scratch. Finally, more recently, the nails have taken on an aesthetic role.

Among the characteristics that may surprise, on second thought, is the fact that our nails, throughout our life, keep growing. A bit like our hair. With this difference in size that nails do not fall off spontaneously. They are, in fact, produced above the last phalanx, by a so-called ungual matrix located under the skin, at the base of the nail. This is where the keratin-producing cells that make up our nails – like our hair – are gathered.

Many factors to consider

On average, our fingernails grow about 4 centimeters per year. It is much less than our hair. Our nails feet – for which it takes about 1.5 millimeters per month – grow more slowly than the fingernails of our hands which grow to a speed average of 3.5 millimeters per month. There is even a difference in the speed of growth between our two hands. The fingernails of our dominant hand tend to grow faster. Why ? It seems to have something to do with how we use our extremities. The growth of the nails would be stimulated by the small daily shocks which, themselves, stimulate the blood circulation and the supply of nutrients ; they are therefore naturally the most important on the fingers of our dominant hand. A little more on his middle finger.

But there are many other factors that affect nail growth. Age and gender in the first place. In men, the nails grow a little faster than in women, unless they are pregnant. And in the elderly, growth is slowed down. Nails also seem to grow faster in summer than winter. The consequence, perhaps, of a Sun exposure more important and again, improved blood circulation.

Among the other factors that influence the growth of nails, we must not forget to mention in particular: stress, fatigue, an unbalanced diet and illness and / or taking certain medications.

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