DN gets the Gold Spade – DN.SE

DN gets the Gold Spade DNSE

– We are very proud of ourselves, we have worked hard, says Patrik Lundberg and adds that he wants to thank the editor Matilda E Hanson.

– She is not visible to the outside world, but has done an enormous job behind the scenes, says Lundberg.

Josefin Sköld says that she is proud and grateful for the award.

– It is also a prize for all adoptees, parents and officials that has made it possible for us to examine crimes in the wake of adoptions, she says.

Reporters Linus Larsson and Kristoffer Örstadius received the honorary award Den Gyllene Haldan for his grave The Swedish censorship factory became the dictators’ court supplier.

– It feels fantastic to win the award for a review of the tech world’s role in dictatorships, one of the big issues of our time that needs to be clarified more, says Linus Larsson.

His colleague Kristoffer Örstadius thinks it feels “extra fun” that the prize is awarded by journalism students.

– You also get a little proud when we see who has received the award before – it is journalists both me and Linus look up to, says Örstadius and mentions Katarina Gunnarsson, Sven Bergman, Anton Berg as some examples.

The golden spade is awarded by the Association of Digging Journalists.
