Dmitry Medvedev proposes to no longer deliver agricultural products to “unfriendly” countries

Dmitry Medvedev proposes to no longer deliver agricultural products to

Russia may no longer deliver grain and agricultural products to countries it considers “unfriendly”. It is the former Russian President and Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev who is at the origin of this proposal. A potential new stage of Russian retaliation in the face of Western sanctions.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Jean-Didier Revoin

In one post posted on Telegram and headlined “Our Food Against Their Sanctions,” Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow might resort to what he called “ silent but formidable weapons against countries that Russia considers unfriendly. The current vice-president of the Russian Security Council believes that Russia should no longer sell or buy anything from countries that have decreed economic sanctions against it.

A measure that could cause serious problems

With regard to agricultural products, this measure could pose serious problems. Many Western countries depend on Russian agricultural products, especially cereals, to guarantee their food security. In his eyes, it is better to trade with friendly countries for rubles and other national currencies than to provide food to the enemies of Russia, which is in a position to guarantee its food security.

Russia hardly imports food anymore

The former Russian President and Prime Minister recalled that since 2014, Russia has hardly imported any food products, that the list of prohibited products could be further extended and above all that Russia exports 37 billion dollars worth of agricultural products.

►Also read : Russians worried about the economic situation of their country
