Dmitry Karavaichik head of the Leningrad Frontier Foundation

The drug dealer “Walter White” has not only been pardoned – he has also been given a leadership role at the Leningrad Frontier Foundation.
– I now hold the position of deputy director of the foundation, I help fully with security issues, he says.

In 2018, the notorious drug dealer Dmitry Karavaichik was sentenced to 17 years in prison in Russia. In the Russian media, Karavaichik has been nicknamed “Walter White”, a reference to the American hit series Breaking bad, after having manufactured and sold large quantities of amphetamines, together with his wife Diana Gribovskaya.

Karavaichik was released from prison in 2022 to serve as a mercenary with the Wagner group, reported Newsweek in January 2023.

In an interview with Russian media, Karavaichik stated that he joined Wagner in the hope of getting his wife released as well.

– I now hope that somehow I can get her out too. I would do anything for it.

Works with security issues

It looks like he succeeded, writes Kyiv Post. Both Karavaichik and his wife have now reportedly been pardoned by Putin.

“Walter White” has also been appointed Deputy Head of the Leningrad Frontier Foundation, a non-governmental foundation established in August 2022 by the Governor of the Leningrad Region.

– I now hold the position of deputy director of the foundation, I help fully with security issues. We work with humanitarian aid and we cooperate with the military recruitment center in the Leningrad region. I will soon be traveling to the Special Military Operations Zone on a business trip, Karavaichik said after his promotion.

The organization is said to have received roughly 650 million dollars, corresponding to over six billion Swedish kronor, in donations from Russian citizens who want to support the troops fighting in Ukraine.
