Dl Migrants, the examination of the amendments resumed. Tomorrow the vote in the Senate

Dl Migrants the examination of the amendments resumed Tomorrow the

(Finance) – The Senate Hall resumed shortly after 8 pmexamination of the amendments to the migrant decree relating to government regulations for the entry of foreign workers and the fight against irregular immigration. The work had been suspended after the majority asked to modify its amendment on special protection. A suspension that has been defined as “necessary to define the text exactly”. In the light of the controversies of the last few weeks the special protection regulations is at the center of the political discussion on the text.

“There is a political debate here – explains the Vice President of the Senate Maurizio Gasparri – we have presented an amendment by the entire majority which is a synthesis and solution, with which the rules of special protection change. The psycho-physical conditions cannot be invoked to have special protection, but if you may have a disease that cannot be treated in your country, not measles. We have the right to write different rules. The special protection is not completely abolished it is reviewed in a restrictive sense. On one point, 1.1 we took note of the debate, you mustn’t accuse of making confusions, we make laws. You rewrite a line, it’s not a problem for us”.

“It is a step backwards, and we understand it. But this partial rethinking cannot be done in the Chamber. This chamber cannot be slapped by initiatives that arrive during construction – said the president of the Group Action-Italia Viva in the Senate Raffaella Paita –. This partial rethinking shows that you have made a gross error of assessment, but the point is that you cannot do it – added the senator referring to the majority forces – and this is because a reformulation of an amendment provides for compensation for the other subjects, namely the presentation of any sub-amendments. We certainly cannot pass over an act that infringes our right to make proposals on a change that has just arrived.”

The work will continue to complete the votes on article 7. The examination of the amendments will continue tomorrow morning: the explanations of vote are expected from 10, with vote expected around 11 tomorrow. The text will then be sent to the Chamber for the definitive go-ahead.
