(Finance) – Alliance for photovoltaics In Italy it intervened today during the auditions at the Production Activities Commission of the Chamber of the deputies as part of the examination of the decree-law bills, aimed at introducing tariff concessions for the supply of electricity and gas for families and businesses. The alliance positively welcomes the will of the government of intervene in the short term to protect families and businesses through subsidies and transparency measures. However, it firmly believes that to definitively address the problem of the high cost of energy, it is essential that the measure is integrated with structural interventions that strengthen the development of renewables, in particular of large -scale photovoltaics. Only in this way can you mitigate the impact of the dear bills and encourage the transition to a sustainable, competitive and resilient energy system.
The price of energy in Italy remains, in fact, among the highest in Europe: according to the data of the Centro Studi of Assolombarda, the average price of electricity in Italy is 143.03 euros/MWh, Significantly higher than Spain (90 euros/MWh), France (100 euros/MWh) and Germany. This disparity strongly affects the competitiveness of the Italian production system, penalizing national companies with respect to European competitors and negatively affecting the purchasing power of families. In addition, the strong dependence of the country on energy imports, which in 2024 covered 74.8% of the national energy demand, further aggravates the vulnerability of the Italian energy system, exposing it to oscillations of international prices and geopolitical tensions.
In this context, the increase in the production of energy from renewable sources, primarily solar, can reduce energy costs, increase independence from fossil sources and contribute to the stabilization of prices in the long run, promoting an energy transition to low carbon emissions. The expansion of photovoltaics Not only does it involve an immediate reduction in costs thanks to the production of energy at null marginal costsbut also allows a reduction in prices volatility, mitigating the effects of fluctuations in the global markets of energy raw materials. Without forgetting that the evolution of storage technologies has eliminated many of the critical issues related to the intermittence of renewables, allowing a more efficient integration of solar and other fer in the national energy system.
In addition, in addition to the environmental and economic benefits, the development of photovoltaic utility-scale generates a large employment induced and investment opportunities on the territories, contributing to their enhancement with 3 billion euros intended for their redevelopment.
“While emergency measures offer temporary relief, the real response to the energy crisis passes through structural interventions. The photovoltaic utility-scale is a strategic lever to reduce energy costs, reduce dependence on fossil sources and stabilize prices in the long run. The evolution of storage technologies has made solar even more reliable, allowing effective integration into the national energy system. essential to remove the regulatory obstacles that brake the development of new plants – like Article 5 of the DL Agriculture, difficult to reconcile with the current legislation and liable to further regulatory ambiguity – aligning the sector policies to the objectives of decarbonisation and energy security “, he said Filippo Fontana, spokesperson for the alliance for photovoltaics in Italy.
(Photo: © Andrii Yalanskyi | 123rf)