dl Aid in CdM next week: all the news

Draghi maintain EU unity on Ukrainian energy and reception

(Finance) – The CdM has postponed the so-called dl Aidwith whom it counts yes extend a series of measures against expensive energy (excise duties, bills, methane price cuts, etc.), but also offer a support for companies affected by expensive materials and extend the home incentives (superbonus villas beyond June 30th). The measures and the related balances were finalized by the executive last Wednesday but due to the complexity and the provision it was decided to wait until next week.

The maxidecree has a starting base of 6 billionthose provided for in the DEF, but the pressing of the parties is asking the government to put more resources on one or the other measure, while the proposal of the leader of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta emerges among all, asking for a shock intervention of 15 billion, a sort of mini financial.

And if the government is confident that it will be able to draw on European resources, through a sort of War recoverymuch more likely to fold over a further budget variancealready accounted for by the executive.

There are some though rumors that could generate revenue for the executive, for example the suspension of incentives for renewableswhich at the moment are not justified by the higher production cost, and the use of these sums for other expenditure items relating to energy and expensive bills, together with the revenue from tax on extra-profits of energy companies. In exchange, simplifications are envisaged on the authorization front for renewables (wind and photovoltaic) and a partial postponement to coal, with an extension to closure and a return to full operation of the four plants currently existing in Italy).

On the lending front there is from extend the cut in excise duties on fuels, to which one would be added reduction in the price of methane of 30 cents, there is to be refinanced measures against expensive billswhile it would seem excluding a further raising of the Isee roof to 30 thousand euros to take advantage of the social bonus, since it would determine a “very high and difficult to cover” burden, as explained by Minister Franco.
