Dl Aid, Draghi: ok to measures for 17 billion. From wedge cut to pensions, the news

Ukraine Draghi support for Ukraine and less dependent on Russian

(Finance) – Green light in the Council of Ministers at the maxi Aid Decree bis which contains i new support for families and businesses, in particular to address the impact of inflation before the elections of September 25. A measure “weakened” than expected before government crisis but that will still be able to count on an endowment of about 17 billion.

The decree approved today “is of extraordinary proportions”. These are the words of the premier Mario Draghi at the press conference who wanted to spend “a word about the method: the measure – he said – it was shared with the social partners and the majority and opposition parties. I thank all those who participated in this sharing and in particular I want to thank Minister Franco – he concluded – who this year and last year has made an extraordinary commitment, together with the entire structure of the Ministry. The support we give to businesses and families serves to help them in this phase of uncertainty, and to protect this recovery in the face of a worsening of the international situation “.

“The economic trend is far better than expected, thanks to the ability of Italians, businesses and government policy which maintained the deficit target “, he added, explaining that for the Aid bis there was no need for any deviation.
“The annual growth is equal to 3.4%, more than estimated in April for all 2022 by the Mef. This is a very positive figure, both if we compare it with recent data and with those of other countries. Italy had never grown more than 2%. The growth of Italy is truly extraordinary. Also according to the IMF we will grow more than countries “clike Germany and the United States. The data on employment are also encouraging “, remarked the premier.

For employees, an increase in the tax wedge cut is expected, which the 2022 budget law had already reduced by 0.8%. The aid decree provides for ” the abatement in the second semester, which passes to 2%. We add 1.2% to 0.8% already foreseen ”. Thus the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, during the press conference.

With the filling of gas storage “we are around 74%, so we have restored the trend that should lead us to 90% at the end of the year”. This was stated by the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani,

In detail, an increase of one point is expected until the end of the yearl cut of the tax wedge, which will reach 1.8%as well as the advance to October of the revaluation of pensions beyond to the extension of the bonus of 200 euros to some categories of workers with an income of less than 35 thousand euros who had not received it in the first semester (seasonal, precarious, citizenship income, the provision is retroactive from July).

The discount of 30 cents on excise duties has been extended to 20 September. There is also the doubling of the tax exemption of fringe benefits and the stop until the end of October of the unilateral changes to the contracts for the supply of electricity and gas.

Expected strengthening of the social bonus for electricity and gas for economically disadvantaged household customers and household customers in serious health conditions.

Bills: To reduce the effects of price increases in the electricity sector, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (Arera) cancels, for the fourth quarter 2022, the rates relating to general electricity system charges applied to households and to non-domestic low voltage users, for other uses, with available power up to 16.5 kW

It reaches up to one billion euros for the strengthening of Ilva’s assets. The law, modifying the legislative decree 142 of 2019, establishes that Invitalia is “authorized to subscribe to capital increases or various instruments, however suitable for capital strengthening, also in the form of shareholder loans for a capital increase, in addition to those provided for in the previous ones. periods and up to a total amount not exceeding 1,000,000,000 euros “.

An allocation of 7.5 million has been decided to raise the TV bonus up to 50 euros. News also on the school front with the arrival of the “expert teacher” who will earn 5,650 euros a year more in the form of an “ad personam annual check”. The new figure it will be born as early as the school year 2023/2024.
