Djaïli Amadou Amal, in the heart of Cameroon, the voice of all women

Born in the far north of Cameroon, Djaïli Amadou Amal is Fulani and Muslim. She was revealed in France with her novel “The Impatients“, crowned by several literary prizes including the Goncourt des lycéens in 2020, translated into twenty languages ​​and sold to date at 250,000 copies. “Heart of the Sahel», her new novel has just been published by Emmanuelle Collas, and will be released later on the African continent.

Heart of the Sahel by Djaïli Amadou Amal

“Faydé lives in the mountains in the far north of Cameroon. So that his mother, his brothers and his sister are not in need, his stepfather having disappeared during a raid by Bokko-Haram, the young teenager decides to go to Maroua, the nearest town, where she will be a servant. Like her companions, she will have to get used to her new life, urban and difficult for girls. Disregard for class, mistreatment, rape…

How will Faydé manage to find her way in an environment where her destiny seems to be drawn in advance? Djaïli Amadou Amal signs, with Coeur du Sahel, a new novel on the condition of women in the Sahel through the life no longer of the “Impatientes” but of their servants, marking even more her commitment against the injustices done to women. (Presentation of Editions Emmanuelle Collas)
