diving into the heart of the Rachline system in Fréjus – L’Express

diving into the heart of the Rachline system in Frejus

In the kiosks of Fréjus, the shelves are empty. On January 12, 2023, in the columns of L’Express, Camile Vigogne signed a long article about the “Rachline system”, named after the National Rally mayor of this Var commune. We learn that the councilor, close to Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, is far from the exemplary management that he and his party had promised during the campaign. Concerned about the content of the article, at the time, the mayor purchased all the copies available in the city and surrounding areas. Ten months later, it is a surgical story, the fruit of long months of investigation that the journalist (now a senior reporter at The Obs) with Raptorspublished by Les arrondissements.

A dive of almost 200 pages into the management of the frontist mayor of Fréjus which reveals the numerous failures and abuses in the exercise of power by David Rachline, yet designated as a showcase for the abilities of the far-right party to lead a municipality . We learn that the historic RN activist has the habit of spending large sums of cash on outings or luxurious objects, often purchased through a loved one. We follow the councilor in his drunken and expensive evenings, in his privileged lunches with Alexandre Barbero, rich and influential local entrepreneur, who benefits from the regular favors of the town hall in the awarding of public contracts. Close ties between the two men, widely denounced by other local entrepreneurs. A reality far from the campaign promises of David Rachline who promised to get away from “the most detestable part of politics” and intended to rely on public morality.

READ ALSO >>In Fréjus, the Rachline “system”: luxury watches, sulphurous friendships, electoral turmoil…

The investigation reveals a Var system where those close to the councilor are privileged, where small arrangements between friends seem commonplace and where links with small groups like the GUD (violent far-right organization) have not never been broken. Town hall employees say they have witnessed numerous racist and anti-Semitic excesses on the part of the mayor and his entourage. Second category social housing, in particular, would have been allocated as a priority to people of North African origin, when frontist activists and family members of deputies have access to privileged social housing.

The municipality, for its part, would never have been so indebted as under the reign of David Rachline, who dismisses the subject by speaking of “good” and “bad debt”. The friend of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, elected with 50.6% of the votes in the first round, is nevertheless the pride of the flame party, and remains designated as a model to follow, as the example of this what large-scale frontist management could look like. The party officially denies any illegality in the management of the town hall. Bruno Bilde, close to Marine Le Pen, nevertheless confides in the book: “The worst part is that we all suspected it.”
