At the invitation of the Crimhalt* association, the families of victims of the recent settling of scores in Marseille have just immersed themselves in the land of the Camorra. To learn from the Italians of the anti-mafia how to position themselves in the face of organized violence. We were there with them.
By Frédéric Crotta
Radio Siani the “good waves” of the anti-mafia (3)
Ercolano at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Known the world over for its sumptuous ancient ruins, this town of 50,000 inhabitants is also caught in the tentacles of the mafia. In the heart of the city, an apartment confiscated from a Mafia boss has been transformed into a radio studio unlike any other.
Before falling into the hands of a social cooperative, this radio station had a very special function. Through music or secret codes broadcast on air, the mafia could communicate and send messages to imprisoned colleagues. Since then, the station’s editorial line has changed completely, and on a daily basis, it deals with much more social and peaceful themes.
The name of a slain journalist

Radio Siani bears the name of a 26-year-old journalist who was murdered for having delved too deeply into Mafia and political affairs. His body was found on September 23, 1985. At the foot of his home in the Arenella district of Naples. At the wheel of his Mehari, he was shot 10 times in the head with a 7.65. It would take twelve years, and the collaboration of three Camorra rebels, to find out the identity of the criminals.
The young freelance journalist – he would only be posthumously recognized as a professional in 2020 – had had the bad idea of investigating the links between the Camorra and local politicians. In particular, on cigarettes and drug trafficking. But also on the awarding of public works contracts following the terrible earthquake of 1980. Corruption at every level.
Tapping traffickers in the wallet
*Crimhalt is an association that has been in existence since 2015. Under the leadership of Fabrice Rizzoli, its aim is to promote better information for citizens, but also to offer public authorities avenues of reflection on topics related to serious crime. With Erasmus + funding, it organizes study trips in the field.
The Senate is currently discussing amendments to the law on confiscating the assets of drug traffickers. Questioned on March 26 by the Senate’s commission of inquiry on the impact of drug trafficking in France, Bruno Le Maire declared: “We need to simplify, speed up and strengthen procedures to hit traffickers in the wallet more effectively”.
Bruno Le Maire called for the creation of an “administrative procedure” to freeze assets.
Frédéric Crotta