Divers gone – great effort

Divers gone great effort

Published: Less than 30 minutes ago

Updated: Just now

full screenA big effort at Gullmarsfjorden in Uddevalla after missing divers. Photo: Robert Betzehag / Rescue Photo

Two divers disappeared in Gullmarsfjorden outside Uddevalla on Sunday afternoon.

One has been found and is in critical condition. The other is still missing.

– We work with full force, says Lina Buurstra at the Swedish Maritime Administration’s sea and air rescue center.

The operation began just before 15 after a diver came out of the water and sounded the alarm.

– First, a person came up who told people on land that he could not find his friends, says sea rescue leader Lina Buurstra at the Swedish Maritime Administration’s sea and air rescue center.

At around 4 pm, one of the divers was found. The person was one kilometer from the scene, according to Bohusläningen.

The person is in critical condition and has been taken by ambulance to hospital.

90 meters deep

The rescue service, the Coast Guard and the Sea Rescue are now working with full force on the site. Divers, boats, helicopters and planes search for the missing diver.

– There was also a diving instructor on site who is down and helping right now.

The divers were down to a depth of 90 meters. At present, it is unclear what went wrong.

– They have great equipment to be down at great depths for a long time, says Lina Buursta.
