Dissolution of Parliament in Kuwait, mired in the political crisis

Dissolution of Parliament in Kuwait mired in the political crisis

This decree by Sheikh Mechaal al-Ahmad al-Jaber Al-Sabah comes the day after the formation of a new government in this country plunged into a long political crisis which pits the executive against Parliament.

With our correspondent in Dubai, Nicolas Keraudren

It was an expected decision. After announcing it during a televised address last June, the Crown Prince of Kuwait yesterday issued a decree to dissolve the country’s parliament. This decision was made because of practices and behavior that threaten national unity says a press release published by the official press agency. It also comes the day after the appointment of a new government. The fifth in two years.

For several years, this small oil emirate in the Gulf has been plunged into a serious political crisis between the executive and Parliament. Persistent tensions that prevent Kuwait from carrying out the necessary reforms in a context of economic difficulties linked to fluctuations in oil prices and the consequences of Covid-19.

According to the Kuwaiti Constitution, the next legislative elections should be organized within two months. In the previous ones, the opposition won almost half of the 50 seats in parliament.
