The Bandyliiga match between Porvoo Akilles and HIFK had extensive security arrangements last Saturday. Torches were lit in the stands during the match.
Disruptive behavior was seen on Saturday in the ice ball match between Akhilles and HIFK in Porvoo. There were almost 750 spectators. The police had prepared for the match with several patrols. Professionals from a private security company were also present at Saturday’s match.
In the joint statement of the Jääpalloliitto, Achilles and HIFK Bandy, it is stated that torches were lit in the stands during the match, which caused dangerous situations. Eyewitness observations of insulting and racist shouting have also been reported to the union. In connection with the match event, ‘s cameraman was threatened. is investigating the case and considering possible further actions.
The Ice Ball Association, Akilles and HIFK state in its announcementthat they strongly condemn the events. The association and the clubs plan to consider ways to deal with disruptive behavior.