Disney Plus Outgrew Netflix!

Netflix and Disney Plus, one of today’s most popular TV series and movie watching platforms, are fighting a fierce battle. According to the latest information, Disney Plus has surpassed Netflix in the number of subscribers.

As you know, Disney decided to switch from traditional cable TV streaming to a digital platform broadcasting over the internet in order to rival Netflix in 2017. But Netflix held the lead for a long time.

According to current data, the number of Netflix subscribers is 220.7 million, while Disney Plus currently tops it with 211 million subscribers. In the past months, Netflix lost 1 million subscribers.

Disney Plus announced that the monthly subscription fee for Disney Plus, which includes ads, will be $ 7.99. No price has been determined in Turkey yet for the option with advertisements. Netflix announced in a statement that it will apply the same policy.

Disney Plus Star Wars series Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ms. While trying to reach 10 million subscribers with content like Marvel, they got more subscribers than they expected.

Famous economist Haris Anwar said in a statement; “Disney is increasing its market share as Netflix struggles to gain more subscribers. “Disney has further advantages to grow in international markets as it delivers its services quickly and acquires new customers.”

Daredevil Series is on Disney Plus!
