Disney + makes the craziest German series of all time, which Netflix rejected

Disney makes the craziest German series of all time

One night stands can cause trouble. In the fantasy series Pauline, they lead to pregnancies with the devil’s child and supernatural powers. The wacky German project will now being produced by Disney+ after Netflix lost interest.

Disney+ saves fantasy series by How to Sell Drugs makers from Netflix

Pauline (Sira-Anna Faal) already has enough problems with school and climate change, so after a one-night stand by Lukas (Ludger Bökelmann), she also becomes pregnant unintentionally. In retrospect, he turns out to be the devil incarnate, whose child is growing in Pauline endows the young woman with superpowers.

It’s no coincidence that the plot of the fantasy series sounds crazy. At least she will produced by the How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) makers bildtonfabrik. Like the series’ predecessor, Pauline was also supposed to appear on Netflix, but the streamer canceled production just before shooting started last year (via DWDL).

When is Pauline coming to Disney+?

According to the DWDL report and a press release, filming for the series has now begun under Disney+ auspices. However, it is not yet clear when the series will be released. We expect a start early 2024.

Podcast: Why The Blacklist is so popular – and the ending will still disappoint

The Blacklist with James Spader is a phenomenon. Amidst the prestige series Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, the crime series kicks off on September 23, 2013 with a compelling prelude. That was the beginning of one impressive success story.

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Season 10 is currently on and it will be the last. In the podcast we ask ourselves two questions that have been on our mind for a long time: Why is The Blacklist so popular? And is a satisfying ending even possible?

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