DiskDrive, the amazing box that turns your bicycle into an electric bike

DiskDrive the amazing box that turns your bicycle into an

To transform a classic bike into an electric model, DiskDrive replaces the rear wheel brake disc with a notched equivalent. The motor and its battery are attached to this system to assist pedalling. Smart!

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Transforming a classic bicycle into electric model, it has been possible for a long time. There are even kits to do it. Generally, it is necessary to replace the front wheel, or to add a module that will assist the rear wheel. The DiskDrive system of Skarper is totally different. Light and clever, it attaches to the rear of the bike and drives an element that replaces the brake disc and can also be used to brake.

When the system is activated, the motor unites with this disc equipped with notches and turns it to assist pedalling. The motor adapts its assistance according to the cadence and the inclination of the bike.

Quickly removable, the motor drives a special disc which replaces the brake disc of the rear wheel of the bike. © Skarper

60 km range

The main DiskDrive unit is a module that hooks onto the side of the bike at the rear wheel axle. It incorporates a battery lithium of 202 Wh, a motor of 250 watts and other electronic components. The set integrates with the bike in seconds. A system that clips and allows you to disassemble the DiskDrive so as not to have it stolen, or to recharge it. Only the disc remains in place.

The module weighs 3.3 kg and has, according to the manufacturer, a maximum autonomy of 60 km. Assistance is limited to a speed maximum of 25 km/h as required by European regulations. The accessory is not yet marketed, but should be next year. It should cost around 1,160 euros. Only the bicycles equipped with a disc brake system and pads are compatible.

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