Disinformation in an electoral context: do not exaggerate the impact of fake news

Disinformation in an electoral context do not exaggerate the impact

Disinformation campaigns and other attempts at destabilization during election periods are a reality, but be careful not to play into the hands of propagandists by attributing an exaggerated success rate to them. The effectiveness of Russian propaganda in Europe and in France in particular, during the last elections remains to be demonstrated.

Our guest, the researcher Damien Liccia is a web and social media specialist, president of theStrategic Information ObservatoryHe discusses the nature of Russian information attacks, which are increasingly complex, but not necessarily effective in terms of influence.

The Chronicle of Gregory Genevrier from the RFI information verification unit: A gasoline shortage expected in France? Beware of this fake news.

The Chronicle of Nathan Gallo from France 24 Obs: “Behind the image”: the limited effect of Russian interference attempts during the legislative elections.
