discover the complete answer to the test!

discover the complete answer to the test

BAC SES. While the SES test ended at 6 p.m., the corrected exam topics are already available. Find all the corrections on Linternaute.

The answer keys for the SES test subjects are available! Less than an hour after the end of the test, the candidates can consult the corrections and know what were the arguments to put forward in the subject of the dissertation, “Is the accumulation of factors of production the only source of economic growth? , and the exercise of reasoning on changes in employment have weakened the integrating role of work, or the notions to be mobilized for questions of knowledge.An associate professor of economics and social sciences, put himself in the place of high school students and has also worked on the subject of the SES test to offer a detailed answer to the exam as soon as possible. These corrections are published below in this article from Linternaute. In addition to the answers, we offer you to find all the subjects of the economic and social sciences test below.

If the test is over for today, tomorrow other candidates will take the SES test, at the same times and under the same conditions but on different subjects from those offered to high school students and published today. As a reminder, only candidates who have taken the economics and social sciences courses in first and final pass the final test. With a coefficient of 16, the SES test weighs heavily in the final mark for the 2022 baccalaureate.

Answers for the SES exam at the 2022 baccalaureate

The answers to the SES test are already here! While the test ended at 6 p.m., less than an hour later candidates can consult the corrections of an associate professor on each exercise of the subject of the SES specialty test, whether the dissertation or one of the two composite tests. All corrections, obtained with our partner Studyrama are available below.

SES subjects for the 2022 baccalaureate published! What are they ?

We’ve been waiting for them and they’re here! The subjects for the SES specialty test are finally available, more than an hour after the official start of the test. Through a partnership with StudyramaLinternaute provides the subject of the exam below.

This year the subject of the dissertation is placed under the sign of the economy, especially with a question on economic growth: “Is the accumulation of factors of production the only source of economic growth. The exercise of reasoning supported by a documentary file is a little more ambivalent dealing with work, but more centered on the social sciences since it is above all a question of the evolution of employment and the integrating role of work. combining economics and sociology.

How does the SES specialty test take place at the baccalaureate?

The economic and social sciences specialty test lasts four hours. For this specialty, the candidates have the choice between three subjects: a subject of dissertation based on a documentary file and two subjects of compound test. If they opt for the dissertation, the candidates must answer only one question but in a detailed and above all argued way. The compound tests are divided into two parts. The first, compulsory and common to all candidates, is a reasoning exercise based on a documentary file scored on ten points. The second half of the exam is different between the two subjects, candidates can choose to answer a knowledge mobilization question worth four points and complete a document study for six points or answer three mobilization questions knowledge for a total of ten points.

To cover all the topics of the program and give candidates more chances of success, each part of the test deals with different topics from the program. Note that the dissertation and the third part of the composite test (the document study) relate to several themes of the SES program.

When does the economic and social science specialty exam take place in the baccalaureate?

The exam session for the specialty exams is short, from May 11 to 13, which reduces the possibilities for the exam date. The SES specialty test is scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 11 and that of Thursday 12, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., according to the specialized site l’Etudiant.

When will the results of the SES test be published?

A priori, the results of the specialty test in economics and social sciences will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.
